National Park Passport Books

Collect Stamps For a Fun Way to Remember Your Trips By

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When my grandfather passed away, I remember how fun it was looking through all of his old passports full of stamps from the different countries he visited. Well, for many of us traveling out of the country for international passport stamps isn’t really an option especially since the pandemic struck. Luckily, a fun alternative exists for those of us opting to hit the pavement on summer road trips to the U.S. National Parks.  

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You see the non-profit group America’s National Parks sells passport books where you can record visits to national parks and other national lands by collecting cancellation stamps, small round ink stamps with the park’s name. Most parks are part of the program and you can get stamps from any participating Visitor Center or park store. 

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Created in 1986, these passport books were used to encourage visitors to explore more parks and they’ve become a fun way to remember your travels by. The parks even offer special, limited edition stamps for things like park anniversaries, historical events and special programs.

You can also purchase colorful commemorative stickers to add flare to your book and 100% of proceeds go to support park programs.  There is even room to log notes on things you did, your favorite hikes and other memories like a keepsake journal.

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The books are small and compact offering a much more eco-friendly way to remember visits by than buying dozens of souvenirs that often eventually make their way to landfills.

There are currently 4 types of passport books to choose from:

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