Who’s Looking at You Anyway?

Under San Clemente Pier.jpg

How many of you have a mother who relished in the joy of embarrassing you back in the day? Raise your hand. I imagine a lot of us can relate.

I was a typical teen back in the 80s. Way too cool for my lame-o parents, always rolling my eyes at their dumb jokes and turning beet red at every little thing... ”Mommmm! Stop!!!!” It was the perfect climate for cultivating my mother’s comedic skills, and boy did she love the opportunity for a good old fashion embarrassment.  

Whether it was wearing her giant fuzzy moose slippers into the local yogurt shop where the cutest boy in town worked, running down green rolling hills on family vacations in front of a big crowd singing “the hills are alive with the sound of music,” or dropping me off at slumber parties, honking the horn, loudly yelling “make good choices” out the window as she pulled away from the curb giggling and waving, I was in a constant state of teenage panic.

She would perfectly time her morning walks around the high school track with my arrival to home room. There she was bright and bushy tailed, all dressed up in her high-water purple sweat pants (you know the kind like you’re waiting for a flood), a violently clashing red hoody that was just a wee bit too small and giant fuzzy blue ear muffs. And she didn’t just walk! That woman POWER walked, arms in full swing vigorously propelling her little body forward, loudly humming as she went, feet moving as quick as a hummingbird in flight, huffing, puffing, making a total scene. My friends would greet me, “saw your mom on the track this morning Jenni” and laugh as I slowly slunk down deep into my chair, wanting to disappear. (Calgon take me away!) It wasn’t that they found mom ridiculous, they all adored and loved her. They just LOVED seeing my reaction!

I remember one day complaining to my quiet sweet little grandma about how utterly embarrassing mom is, asking why? Why does she do this to me? My grandma turned and looked me straight in the eye and wisely asked, “honey, what on earth makes you think you’re so special anyone’s looking at you anyway?”  I think I froze not knowing what to say. I mean wow! Just wow! Wow! They were definitely words to live by and words I never did forget! Words I think of often when purposely embarrassing my son!

Read more about my fun loving mom!

